
Quick cocoa pastry

Made by:


25 dkg
Mizo lactose-free cottage cheese
25 dkg
1/2 dl
Mizo lactose-free milk
5 tablespoons
10 dkg
powdered sugar
1 pinch
1/2 pack
baking powder (6 g)

to stretch:

as required

for the filling:

3 tablespoons melted
Mizo lactose-free butter
4 heaped tablespoons
powdered sugar
2 tablespoons
unsweetened cocoa powder (20-22%)



Smash the cottage cheese, add the powdered sugar, milk and oil. Thoroughly knead the flour  mixed with baking soda and salt. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a 5 mm thin rectangle and spread the melted butter on top. Sift the mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar evenly on the dough, then roll up like a bejgli and cut approx. 2 cm “snails” out of it. Put everything on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake ready at 180 degrees C for 10–15 minutes. Be careful not to burn your dough, it is not a problem if it remains a bit pale  otherwise it may dry out.